Resonate with Mother Earth – 6-7.30pm Mon 4 April @Prana Lounge, Col 7

The earth is resonating at 7.83 Hz per second, this is a very special frequency. It is the same frequency as when the brain slows down to a Theta wave, which corresponds to us feeling relaxed, happy and joyful. The German physicist Professor W.O.Schumann of the Technical University of Munich discovered that there are electromagnetic standing waves in the atmosphere, within the cavity formed by the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. The earth’s electromagnetic frequency is called The Schumann resonance. Now you are thinking why I am blogging about electromagnetics again? Well, because it is so important to understand our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing is interdependent on electromagnetics.


In fact, the physical condition of early astronauts deteriorated severely while in outer space because they were away from the earth’s magnetic field and resonance. The problem was solved by introducing the ‘Schumann Simulator’ into all space shuttles, a magnetic pulse generator mimicking the Earth’s frequency. This demonstrates the simple fact that we cannot be healthy if disconnected from the natural biological frequency of the earth.


The Practice

We need to chant, sing, hum, listen to gong, crystal bells, white noise, breathe deeply and meditate, every day to change the frequency of our brain to resonate with mother earth. Spend time walking barefoot on grass, on the beach, etc. and just feeling yourself connect with Earth this most elemental force.  We will be chanting RA, MA, DA, SA, SA, SAY, SO HUNG. (Sun, Moon, Earth, Breath, Breath, Breath, I am thou) in a circle for 11mins visualising the earth and sending healing to our Mother as she heals and protects us in return.

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This week’s classes:

Mon 4 April 6-7.30pm   Kundalini Yoga @ Prana Lounge, 60 Horton Place, Col 7

Tues 5 April 6-7pm         Meditation @ The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road, Col 5

Wed 6 April 4.45- 7am   Sadhana @ 9 Greenlands Lane, Col 5 (FREE)

Wed 6 April 7.15-8.15pm Kundalini Yoga@The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road

Fri   8 April 6.30-7.30pm Community Class – BY DONATION ALL WELCOME, The Om Space

Sun 10 April 5-7.30pm     Hatha General@ The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road, Col 5

Prana Lounge will be closed from 11 April to 17 April 2016. The Om Space will be closed from 13-17 April 2016. Happy Sinahala and Tamil New Year!

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