I am GREAT, no matter what I feel – 6.15-7.30pm Mon 7 Nov Prana Lounge


There are days when I wake up for my early morning practice and classes feeling terrible. It could have been a bad night’s sleep, my physical body feeling off, mental complaints about the oil pulling and cold shower I need to take before I start the practice, a weird dream or all the above. When I experience life through my feelings, (tamas guna) and my minds genetic or intellectual memory, even other people thoughts (rajastic guna) the sensory information and loud mental chatter can be overwhelming. Is goes like this I feel…… I think, I feel like…..etc.

Just because your feelings and mind are the loudest sound in your awareness, does not mean this is the only way to process information coming into your consciousness. Once again the negative mind has been alerted to danger and it is, trying to protect you, with doubt, worry, fear and concern. This processing will keep me physically safe but also narrow my experience and prevent me from experiencing joy and the glory of existence.

We were born into this physical experience to experience our glory. The other way of processing information is to open your system to the Universal mind (Chita) opening your intuition, to gain access to the map of your destiny.   We get confused between intuition and our feelings. Most of us think we are accessing our intuition but really we are just accessing our feelings which we then support with argumentative thought. The reality is we do not want to be outstanding because this makes us stand out and we feel we will be the subject of ridicule or attack. You need to do something with yourself to stand out so you do not compete, compare and compute. If you are competing, comparing or computing you are trying to fit in with the outside world. We are always seeing ourselves through the eyes of others.

I still worry to a smaller and smaller extent what others think of me but I know this is not the only way to perceive reality. I guarantee to myself I am not going to be contained by the mirror of someone else’s external view of me. Let’s try on not play to the audience, a lot of our mental energy goes into determining how you look to others. You are catching lots of subtle signals about how accepted you are by the way other people act and speak to you.

What if there was no other to get an opinion about yourself from, no mirror? How would that look and feel for you? If would be completely freeing. Allow yourself to be YOU do not let anyone or anything shut that down.

Yogi Bhajan said he has never seen birds in a tree singing the dawn chorus and then turning around to each other to ask, “how did I do?” They are also social animals like us.

Your point is not even to influence the majority, your point is to be you, there is no one in this moment who will ever be like you, ever again in infinity.

In order to stop people shutting you down or you shutting down because of other people’s opinions, you have to wake up every day and practice positive mental reinforcements and decide to be confident in you. You stretch into your body glove to feel you, you feel your breath, your sound and tell yourself you are gorgeous. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder so if you want to see beauty, your judgement needs to be that everything is beautiful. See everything as beautiful because it is just an opinion. Why do we not see beauty in everything, because our negative mind is looking for danger to protect us. We got this idea from millions of years ago, because if we saw everything as beautiful we would feel too uplifted and not see the danger. We no longer need to be that worried. So, say to yourself, “I am Great, MY body may be tired, MY mind may be fearful, feeling lonely, but I am always great. If you change your internal conversation enough to see beauty in everything and say to yourself I am great. Very soon you will be. When you can uplift yourself never mind the mood, you will be able to uplift all around you and then you start feeling really great as well as being great. There will be days where you cannot bring yourself to uplift yourself or anyone else, forgive yourself and move on. Guilt is a form of protection which blunts the lessons we are being given, if you let guilt rule, you will not move forward.

Sat nam Fi x sanasumainsrilanka.wordpress.com read our weekly blogs and brain candy updates raymond.fiona@gmail.com www.sanasuma.co.uk 0778011984

Mon 7 November 6.15-7.30pm   Kundalini Yoga @ Prana Lounge, 60 Horton Place, Col 7

Tues 8 November 6-7pm             Meditation @ The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road, Col 5

Wed 9 November 4.45- 7am        Sadhana @ 9 Greenlands Lane, Col 5 (FREE CLASS)

Wed 9 November 3-3.45pm       Radiant Kids Class@ The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road, Col 5

Wed 9 November 7.15-8.15pm   Kundalini Yoga @ the Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Road Col 5

Fri   11 November 6.30-7.30pm   Community Class (BY Donation) @The Om Space, 185/9 Havelock Rd

Sat   12 November 6 -7.30pm     Gong Bath @ Sri Yoga Shala, Thalpe, Galle.

Mon 14 November 6.15-7.30pm Poya Gong Bath@ Prana Lounge, 60 Horton Place, Col 7